European Ground Squirrel habitat reconstruction in a Ier Valley grassland

Kaszálás a legelőn (fotó: Bărbos Lőrinc).

2017.09.01.  16:00

During July, we undertook habitat reconstruction activities via mowing, in a ground squirrel habitat near Otomani locality. The weedy and shrubby vegetation was mown in two separate parts of the grassland. Soon after, grazing began also in these patches, improving the condition of the habitat. We hope next year ground squirrels will also be able to occupy these parts of the pasture.

Monitoring of European Ground Squirrel in the Romanian project areas

Jellegzetes ürgeélőhely a Bánságban (fotó: Hegyeli Zsolt).

2017.09.30.  14:17

As part of our monitoring of European Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus citellus), initiated in the previous years, in 2017 we surveyed 24 grasslands within nine target areas, by counting burrows along transects. In comparison to the past two years of the project, this year seemed to be convenient for the species, as on many of the surveyed habitats high burrow densities have been found.


A gyilkos oszlop.

Another, satellite-tracked Saker Falcon was electrocuted, this time in Slovakia. The case was revealed by the bird's transmitter. So far, six adult Saker Falcons have received GPS-based tracking devices in the frame of the conservation project "Securing prey sources for endangered Falco cherrug and Aquila heliaca populations in the Carpathian basin” (RAPTORSPREYLIFE) LIFE13 NAT/HU/000183, supported by the European Union.


Saker falcon (Photo: Jens Halbauer).


It is among the aims of the project 'LIFE13 NAT/HU/000183 RAPTORSPREYLIFE' is to reveal more details about the predator-prey relation of two strictly protected bird of prey species – the saker falcon and the imperial eagle – and their prey species – most of all the suslik and the hamster - , as well as to prepare and implement efficient conservation measures targeting those species. GPS-based satellite-tracking serves with information to those aims. In the frame of satellite-tracking, six adult saker falcons were tagged in Hungary. In Romania, two juvenile sakers and one imperial eagle were tagged.
